Piotr Makowski is a field archaeologist who has participated in excavations in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Cyprus, Poland and the Ukraine. He first visited Jordan in 2015 with a small study tour supported by the University of Warsaw.
The Pierre and Patricia Bikai Fellowship has enabled Piotr to work on a research project that will contribute to a larger project at the site of Khirbat edh-Dharih in southern Jordan to study and document the transition between the Byzantine and the Islamic periods. The larger project is executed by a team of international scholars under the direction of the French archaeologist Prof. François Villeneuve from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
During his ACOR fellowship, Piotr is focusing on Islamic pottery and he is reviewing unpublished field documentation from earlier excavations at Khirbat edh-Dharih to establish stratigraphically linked typologies of the pottery records.
Piotr Makowski is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw in Poland. He has an M.A. in Archaeology (2013) and a second M.A. in Art History (2014) and a B.A. in Archaeology (2011), also from the University of Warsaw.
Piotr was encouraged to apply for the Bikai fellowship by his academic advisor at the University of Warsaw, Professor Tomasz Waliszewski, who is also the Director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology and himself a former Andrew W. Mellon Foundation East-Central European Research Fellow at ACOR.