On July 2-3, 2019, the ACOR Library and Archive hosted the third annual Archival Methods Workshop. Here you will find blog posts written by Jessica Holland (ACOR Archivist) and Samya Khalaf Kafafi (ACOR Assistant Librarian) detailing the events of these two days, as well as the slide shows for workshop presentations.

Making Sense of Digital Objects:
Archival Methods 2019
Jessica Holland
On July 2-3, 2019 ACOR and the National Library of Jordan co-hosted the annual skills-sharing workshop for galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). This was the third annual workshop that ACOR has organized on the topic of digital archives, and it was the best-attended by far. We were delighted to have over 60 participants from 18 different institutions take part in the two-day workshop focused on current and future methods to better capture, preserve, and share knowledge about the past… Click here to read the full text.
أساليب الأرشفة الإلكترونية: ورشة عمل 2019
سامية خلف كفافي
نظم المركز الأمريكي للأبحاث الشّرقية ( أكور) في شهر تموز لعام 2019 ورشة عمل ضمن سلسلة ورشات أرشيف أكور الالكتروني للصور والوثائق بعنوان “تبادل مهارات الارشفه الالكترونية بين المكتبات والمتاحف ومراكز المعلومات ” وقد شارك في الورشة ما يقارب من 60 شخص من المهتمين بالأرشفه في المكتبات والمتاحف والمراكز البحثيّة العلميّة ومكتبات الجامعات حيث تضمن جدول الورشة على عدة مَحاور واستضاف عدد من المحاضرين من خارج وداخل الاردن واستمرت الورشة لمدة يومين بناء على رغبة المشاركين في الورشة التي عقدت في تموز عام 2018م

View and download the 2019 Archival Methods Workshop presentations below (in order of presentation):
Day 1 (July 2, 2019) – National Library of Jordan
International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) | Jack Reed, Stanford University |
Qatar Digital Library | John Hayhurst, British Library, Qatar Foundation |
History of the Department of Antiquities through Roots/Juthur Project | Ahmad Lash and Hala Syoof, Department of Antiquities (DOA) |
Digital Publishing at the University of Jordan Library | Dr. Nashrawan Al-Tahat, University of Jordan |
Archival Metadata Research Standards | Samya Khalaf Kafafi, ACOR |
Day 2 (July 3, 2019) – ACOR
Introduction: ACOR Photo Archive | Jack Green, ACOR |
The Use of 3D Technologies for Heritage Preservation | Jihad Kafafi and Dr. Yosha al Omari, Jordan Museum |
Photo Digitization Overview | Jessica Holland, ACOR |
The Paul and Nancy Lapp collection at ACOR | Eslam Dawodieh and Rachael McGlensey, ACOR |
Documentation of Objects in Jordan Archaeological Museum | Dr. Hashem Kries, GPIA / Department of Antiquities (DOA) |
Wikimedia Foundation Levant Chapter | Abbad Diraneya |
We hope you enjoy this photograph montage from the workshop, put together by Eslam Dawodieh (ACOR Library and Archives Assistant): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uMhNmPjWmZ5gKhZHipLCUj9cLHTsPzlv/view