by Zain Fanik

I completed an internship at the American Center of Research over the course of two weeks during December, 2024. It was a great and very valuable experience, as I was able to work with archival documentation, as well delve briefly into cultural heritage databases. What I gained the most from this experience was learning various methods of archiving. My primary task involved organizing and rearranging a collection of old maps of Jordan, focusing on significant regions and archaeological sites. I sorted these maps by code and site or region name, verifying their placements through a database to ensure accuracy. Once these were organized in drawers, I entered them into a database, documenting details such as code numbers, the number of copies, and their locations. This process not only helped me refine my organizational skills but also deepened my understanding of Jordan’s topography and key historical sites.
Additionally, for a short time I worked with the National Cultural Heritage Property Database of The Kingdom of Jordan project. Through participating in the National Inventory Project, as it is also called, I learned about the use of databases such as Axiell and engaged in interesting discussions about Jordan’s history and culture. I also explored how pottery artifacts are meticulously catalogued, and I assisted in researching different types of databases and digital preservation methods used by other countries to preserve their cultural heritage.
The most valuable aspects of this experience for me, however, were the insightful conversations I had with ACOR’s various staff members. Whether the staff were focused on photo archiving, database management, or library resource management, my discussions with them provided important insights into topics ranging from archaeology and history to their daily job duties, educational backgrounds, and advice on how to pursue a career in this field. Overall, it was a rewarding and unforgettable experience!
Zain Fanik is currently a senior at Georgetown University studying Culture and Politics and concentrating on cultural anthropology. She has taken a variety of courses on ethnography, history, cultural studies, literature, and museology. She is also pursuing a certificate in Arab regional studies, focusing on the inclusion outcomes of Palestinian Christians in the West Bank. She had the opportunity to intern with ACOR as a recipient of Georgetown’s Student Experience Fund, which supports research and internships for students. After earning her bachelor of science in foreign service, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in archaeology or heritage studies and aspires to build a career in this field, focusing on researching and preserving beautiful cultural heritage.