Excavations at the Fortified Royal Palace of Machaerus Overlooking the Dead Sea

Dr. Győző Vörös
Hungarian Academy of Arts
Wednesday 16 December 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Reception to Follow
About the Lecture
Dr. Vörös will provide an illustrated lecture outlining the work of the Hungarian Machaerus Research Project as well as background about previous excavation campaigns at the site. This lecture celebrates the publication of Machaerus II—The Hungarian Archaeological Mission in the Light of the American-Baptist and Italian-Franciscan Excavations and Surveys—Final Report 1968—2015, a handsome and informative volume from the Edizioni Terra Santa (Milan, Italy).
About the Speaker
Dr. Vörös is an archaeologist and architect who has been conducting excavations and surveys at Mukawir, ancient Machaerus, since 2009 in conjunction with the Jordanian Department of Antiquities. He published the first volume on this site, Machaerus I, in 2013.
Vörös’ previous archaeological projects were in Egypt and Cyprus, where he served as the Director of the Hungarian Excavations. His archaeological publications include excavation reports on the Thoth Hill Temple in Thebes, the seaside acropolises of Taposiris Magna (west of Alexandria), and Paphos (the Greco-Roman capital of Cyprus).
About the Photographer
Jane Taylor first came to Jordan in 1978 and in 1989 made Amman her home. In that year she published High above Jordan which featured her first aerial photographs of Jordan. Now out of print, it has been superseded by her expanded collection of aerial images, Jordan: Images from the Air (2005), which is readily available. She has also written several books on Petra and her Petra and the Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans (2001, revised 2007 and 2012) is highly regarded. All of these publications which include many of her photographs are available at ACOR.
Availability of Machaerus
Five copies of this book have been received from the Edizioni Terra Santa in Milan and will be on sale that evening on a first come first serve basis. The price of this book at ACOR is $160/JD114. This price reflects the high cost of shipping from Italy and is based on a special book launch rate for the book. The Edizioni Terra Santa list price is EU120/$163 without shipping. The publisher can be reached at ufficiostampa@edizioniterrasanta.it. The author kindly donated a copy to the ACOR Library where it can also be consulted and read.