A Pierre and Patricia Bikai Fellowship at ACOR was awarded to Betty Adams for spring 2020. She is a graduate student in Near Eastern Archaeology at La Sierra University in Riverside, California, where her studies have concentrated on the chemistry and composition of ancient makeup as represented by traces remaining on artifacts from ancient Jordan….
Bikai Fellowship
Reading the Bones of Ottoman Era Hesban
My name is Emily Edwards, and I was a Pierre and Patricia Bikai fellow at ACOR in Summer 2018. I am currently a student of Dr. Megan Perry in the Anthropology M.A. program at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. My current research project concerns the presence of metabolic diseases in the juvenile skeletal remains…
Vivian Laughlin, 2017—2018 Bikai Fellow
Ms. Vivian A. Laughlin is a Ph. D Candidate in the Institute of Archeology at Andrews University with a concentration in Ancient Near Eastern Archeology and Anthropology. She is the Bikai fellow at ACOR for 2017-2018. Her field research, entitled “Serapis in Hisban: A Historical Narrative of Enculturation of an Ancient Jordanian City,” deals with…
Piotr Makowski, 2016–17 Bikai Fellow
Piotr Makowski is a field archaeologist who has participated in excavations in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Cyprus, Poland and the Ukraine. He first visited Jordan in 2015 with a small study tour supported by the University of Warsaw. The Pierre and Patricia Bikai Fellowship has enabled Piotr to work on a research project that will contribute…