Catreena Hamarneh is a Jordanian archaeologist and a Ph.D. candidate in Classical Archaeology at Von Humboldt University. In 2017, she was awarded the James A. Sauer ACOR Fellowship. She began her professional career in archaeology working in mosaic conservation and documentation at the Madaba Mosaic School. This inspired her to specialize in mosaic restoration in…
Who Were the People in the Neolithic Black Desert? — An ACOR Video Lecture
The ACOR Video Lecture Series provides accessible discussions of new research into the past and present of Jordan and the broader Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean worlds. This video was adapted from the October 2017 public lecture delivered at ACOR by Dr. Gary Rollefson, ACOR-NEH Fellow and Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Whitman College. Dr. Rollefson’s…
Announcing ACOR 2018–2019 Fellowships
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1508413626381{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}”][rev_slider alias=”Fellowships18-19″][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] ACOR Fellowship Opportunities for the 2018–2019 academic year Complete information about all the ACOR Fellowships is online at The application portal is open. We encourage you to share these opportunities widely with your networks. The deadline for applications is February 1, 2018 and awards will…
Lithics and Learning—Communities of Practice at Kharaneh IV
An ACOR Blog article by recent ACOR fellow Felicia De Peña on her research into stone tool making and experimental archaeology. Felicia was awarded the Kenneth W. Russell Fellowship (2017-2018). For years, I have been drawn to stone tools and the stories that they can tell us about our prehistoric ancestors; from subsistence strategies to…
Vivian Laughlin, 2017—2018 Bikai Fellow
Ms. Vivian A. Laughlin is a Ph. D Candidate in the Institute of Archeology at Andrews University with a concentration in Ancient Near Eastern Archeology and Anthropology. She is the Bikai fellow at ACOR for 2017-2018. Her field research, entitled “Serapis in Hisban: A Historical Narrative of Enculturation of an Ancient Jordanian City,” deals with…
ACOR Receives NEH Grant to Support Critical Scholarship
We are happy to announce that ACOR received a National Endowment for the Humanities “Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions” grant in March 2017. The grant of $30,200 provides six months of fellowship funding for the upcoming 2018–2019 grant cycle, and is intended to promote critical scholarship in the humanities related to Jordan and the…
Gaza Refugees and the Reality of Statelessness
Recent ACOR-CAORC senior fellow Michael Perez writes below about his recent research on ex-Gaza refugees who are currently living without citizenship in Jordan. Dr. Perez is a professor of anthropology at the University of Washington in Seattle. The Gaza camp is unique in Jordan. Located just a few kilometers from the ancient ruins of Jarash, it…
The Levantine Early Bronze Age — An ACOR Video Lecture by Dr. Suzanne Richard
The ACOR Video Lecture Series provides accessible discussions of new research into the past and present of Jordan and the broader Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean worlds. This video, adapted from the September 2016 ACOR public lecture delivered by Dr. Suzanne Richard, examines the site of Khirbat Iskandar in light of ongoing research and new…
An Anthropological Gaze at Art – An ACOR Video Lecture by Dr. Aseel Sawalha
The ACOR Video Lecture Series provides accessible discussions of new research into the past and present of Jordan and the broader Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean worlds. This video, adapted from the October 2016 ACOR public lecture delivered by NEH Fellow Dr. Aseel Sawalha, is an evaluation of the expanding art scene in Amman and…