By Jacqueline Salzinger, Development and Communications Officer In January 2020, ACOR kicked off the new decade in the company of twelve faculty members visiting Jordan from the U.S. They were joining us for just over two weeks through a program put on in partnership with the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) under the…
The unexpected discovery of Khirbet Qazone and the revealing of Nabataeans on the shores of the Dead Sea
Konstantinos D. Politis is an ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow and chairperson of the Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies. As part of his fellowship he will be giving a public presentation on his findings from archaeological fieldwork at Khirbet Qazone. In this blog, he provides a background to his work at this important Nabataean site. Dr….
Konstantinos D. Politis, ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow Fall 2019
Dr. Konstantinos D. Politis is an ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow in the fall of 2019. Dr. Politis is chairperson of the Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies, and he leads an ongoing excavation of Zoara, modern Safi in Jordan. During his ACOR fellowship, he plans to complete studies of the finds from Khirbet Qazone where he…
History of Legal Challenges in Jordan in the 1950s
Kimberly Katz was an ACOR-CAORC post-doctoral fellow for summer 2019, and she will return in summer 2020 to complete her fellowship. She was also awarded the ACOR-MESA Travel Award for 2019. She is the Professor of Middle East History at Towson University in Maryland. Her research interests focus on legal history in Jordan and the…
William Tamplin , ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellow Fall 2019
William Tamplin is a doctoral candidate (2020) in Comparative Literature at Harvard University and an ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellow for the fall of 2019. While at ACOR, he will research and interview for his dissertation on apocalypticism in the modern Jordanian novel. Will’s dissertation is on apocalypticism in the modern Arabic novel. An analytic category associated…
José Ciro Martínez, ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow Summer 2019
Dr. José Ciro Martínez is an ACOR-CAORC post-doctoral fellow for summer 2019, and also Title A Research Fellow at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. During his ACOR fellowship, Dr. Martínez will be completing his first monograph, based on his PhD dissertation. It is provisionally entitled, The Politics of Bread: Performing the State in Hashemite Jordan….
Josephine Chaet, ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Summer / Fall 2019
Josephine Chaet is a doctoral candidate in the anthropology department at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and an ACOR-CAORC pre-doctoral fellow for the summer and fall of 2019. Prior to her current fellowship at ACOR, Josephine was a Fulbright Research Scholar in Jordan during the 2018-2019 academic year. Her research while at ACOR…
Kimberly Katz, ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow Summer 2019
Kimberly Katz is an ACOR-CAORC post-doctoral fellow for summer 2019 and Professor of Middle East History at Towson University in Maryland. Her current research interests focus on legal history in Jordan and the West Bank. She is analyzing the transition from the British Mandate-era Penal Code to the Jordanian Penal Code that followed the Unification…
Julia Gettle, ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellow Spring 2019
Julia Gettle is a Ph.D. candidate in History at Brown University and an ACOR-CAORC pre-doctoral fellow for spring 2019. Her research while at ACOR focuses on the social and intellectual history of popular politics in mid-20th century Greater Syria, particularly centering on Pan-Arab nationalist, nation-state nationalist, and Marxist political mobilization in the 1950s and 1960s….
Amy Karoll, ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellow Spring 2019
Amy Karoll is a Ph.D. candidate in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles and an ACOR-CAORC Pre-doctoral Fellow in spring 2019. Prior to arrival at Amman, she was at the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem as an ECA Predoctoral Fellow in fall 2018. Her research focuses…
“Call me Galib”: Navigating Gender as a Local Humanitarian Aid Worker
Rawan Arar was a pre-doctoral ACOR-CAORC Fellow for the spring of 2018. She earned a Ph.D. in sociology at the University of California San Diego soon after the fellowship, and she is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. Rawan’s research contributes to scholarly debates about states,…
Michael Morris, ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow Fall 2018
Michael Morris is an ACOR-CAORC post-doctoral fellow in fall 2018, currently working to conserve two marble Aphrodite figures found at Petra’s North Ridge Excavations conducted under ACOR Board members S. Thomas Parker and Megan Perry. After an initial polychrome study by Mark Abbe, these extraordinary figures will be conserved and exhibited in the new Petra…
Jennifer Olmsted, ACOR-CAORC Post-Doctoral Fellow Fall 2018
Jennifer Olmsted is an ACOR-CAORC post-doctoral fellow in fall 2018. She is a Professor of Economics and Business and the Director of the Social Entrepreneurship Semester at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. Her research while at ACOR centers on gender, displacement, and economic and social sustainability. Growing up in Beirut and witnessing the beginning…
The Biodiversity Value of Archaeological Sites
Omar Attum was an ACOR-CAORC Post Doctoral Fellow in Summer 2018. He is an Associate Professor of Biology at Indiana University Southeast (IUS). His scholarly activity centers around his passion for conservation of wildlife in the Middle East, Saharan and Arabian deserts, and the Red Sea. He is also interested in studying which heritage and…
Allison Spencer Hartnett, ACOR-CAORC Predoctoral Fellow, Summer 2018
Allison Spencer Hartnett is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Oxford and an ACOR-CAORC fellow for the summer of 2018. Her research focuses on the relationship between land, political power, and state-building in the MENA region. Allison’s dissertation contributes a new understanding of land distribution in non-democratic contexts and challenges prevailing…