by Carly J. Cormier The most recent ACOR virtual lecture event, “Human Heritage: Preserving Palmyra, Petra, and Hatra,” was cohosted with the Getty Research Institute (GRI) to commemorate the launch of the Getty’s new interactive online exhibition, Return to Palmyra. The presenters discussed the unique set of challenges regarding preserving the cultural and physical remains of…
Wellbeing and Living Well: Ethnographic Approaches to Health and Disability
by Christine Sargent, with Timothy Loh and Morgen Chalmiers What can ethnography contribute to our understandings of health and disability in Jordan and elsewhere? In this roundtable event, Morgen Chalmiers (University of California San Diego), Timothy Loh (MIT), and I offered provisional responses by drawing on fieldwork in Jordan and the United States while reflecting…
التراث الإنساني: الحفاظ على تدمر، البتراء والحضر
المركز الأمريكي للأبحاث و معهد بحوث جيتي يقدمان وبكل فخر التراث الإنساني:الحفاظ على تدمر، البترا والحضربرنامج عبر الفضاء الإلكترونييوم الأربعاء 16 حزيران وصف البرنامج: تحكي التواريخ القديمة لمدينة تدمر (سوريا) والبترا (الأردن) والحضر (العراق) قصة التبادل الثقافي بين هذه المدين، حيث تشارك سكانها طرق التجارة، كما قاموا ببناء آثار مماثلة، وعبدوا آلهة محلية وإقليمية مشتركة. ورغم…
“Human Heritage: Preserving Palmyra, Petra, and Hatra”
تصفّح/ي المعلومات باللغة العربيّة هنا ACOR and the Getty Research Institute Proudly Present:“Human Heritage: Preserving Palmyra, Petra, and Hatra”Hosted on Zoom on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 This program is also available in Arabic. About the program: Cohosted in Arabic and English by the Getty Research Institute and the American Center of Research in Jordan, this…
“The Landscape of Research in Jordan and in the Arab Region: Challenges, Transformations, Prospects”
ACOR Proudly Presents: “The Landscape of Research in Jordan and in the Arab Region: Challenges, Transformations, Prospects An ACOR online lecture by Dr. Seteney Shami (Arab Council for the Social Sciences)Delivered via Zoom on May 17, 2021 Simultaneous translation into Arabic was provided by Ala Abusharif/Pegasus Events and Conference Preparation. About the Lecture: What are…
مشهد البحث في الأردن والمنطقة العربية: التحديات، والتحوّلات، والآفاق
المركز الأمريكي للأبحاث يقدم وبكل فخر :مشهد البحث في الأردن والمنطقة العربية” “التحديات، والتحوّلات، والآفاق محاضرة عامة تلقيها الدكتورة ستناي شامي (المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية)يوم الإثنين الموافق 17 أيار/مايو :عن المحاضرة نأمل ان نراكم قريباً ومحاضرة جديدة مع أكور Related Links: The Arab Council for the Social Sciences Website 2021–2022 ACOR Fellowship and Scholarship Awardees
“A Review of Selected Sites in Jordan: Paleolithic–Neolithic Periods”
ACOR and the Fulbright Commission of Jordan Proudly Present: “A Review of Selected Sites in Jordan: Paleolithic–Neolithic Periods”An ACOR online lecture by Prof. Maysoon Al Nahar (University of Jordan) Delivered via Zoom on April 20, 2021 This presentation was originally given in Arabic. Simultaneous translation was provided by Ala Abusharif/Pegasus Events and Conference Preparation. About…
عرض لمواقع مختارة من الأردن: العصر الحجري القديم – العصر الحجري الحديث
المركز الأمريكي للأبحاث و برنامج فولبرايت الأردن يقدمان وبكل فخر :عرض لمواقع مختارة من الأردنالعصر الحجري القديم – العصر الحجري الحديثمحاضرة عامة باللغة العربيةتلقيها الأستاذة الدكتورة ميسون النهار – الجامعة الأردنيةيوم الثلاثاء 20 نيسان :عن المحاضرة نأمل ان نراكم قريباً ومحاضرة جديدة مع أكور Related Links: ACOR’s Archaeological Projects Portal Archaeology in Jordan 2 Image Gallery
“An Invocation to Jesus in a Safaitic Inscription?”
ACOR Proudly Presents:“An Invocation to Jesus in a Safaitic Inscription?” An ACOR online lecture by Dr. Ahmad Al-Jallad (Ohio State University) on February 16, 2021 About the Lecture: Safaitic inscriptions constitute the largest epigraphic corpus in Jordan. “Safaitic” refers to the northernmost branch of the South Semitic alphabet, a sister of the Ancient South Arabian…
“Preserving the Cultural Heritage of the Madaba Region… Together: The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) and Recent Community Archaeology”
ACOR Proudly Presents:“Preserving the Cultural Heritage of the Madaba Region… Together: The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) and Recent Community Archaeology”An Online Lecture by Prof. Douglas R. Clark (La Sierra University) on January 19, 2021 About the Lecture: The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) has always been about “community archaeology,” which views archaeology…
MELA Presentation: Lockdown and locked out of access to knowledge?
by Jessica Holland On 21 October 2020, ACOR participated in the Middle East Librarians Association Annual Conference (MELA) for the first time, presenting on how our library and archives adapted to the changing conditions of the pandemic, alongside panelists from institutions across thirteen different time zones spanning from California to Qatar. Below is a text…
أرشيف أكور: مصدر مرئي جديد للتدريس في المدارس عن تاريخ الأردن والمنطقة
“ACOR Photo Archive: A New Visual Resource for Middle and High School Teaching about Jordan and the Region. ” This Arabic presentation was delivered as part of the Jordan School Librarians Conference in November 2019 to introduce the ACOR Photo Archive project and its work to preserve endangered photographic heritage from Jordan and the region….
Nabataeans on the Shores of the Dead Sea
ACOR Proudly Presents:“Nabataeans on the Shores of the Dead Sea”An ACOR Public Lecture by Dr. Konstantinos D. Politis on March 10, 2020 About the Lecture: Ancient sites that have recently come to light on the Dead Sea littoral reveal what life was like for the average Nabataean some two thousand years ago. Ancient texts also…
The ACOR Photo Archive: Mobilizing Digital Tools to Preserve Visual Heritage
للتنويه: هنا يتوفر محاضرة توجيهية عن أرشيف أكور باللغة العربية ACOR Proudly Presents:“The ACOR Photo Archive: Mobilizing Digital Tools to Preserve Visual Heritage”An ACOR Public Lecture by Dr. Jack Green and Jessica Holland on February 11, 2020 About the Lecture: The ACOR Photo Archive contains rich collections of tens of thousands of photographs, but its…
Religious Change in Southern Jordan in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods
ACOR Proudly Presents: “Religious Change in Southern Jordan in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods” An ACOR Public Lecture by Dr. Robert Schick on December 10, 2019 About the Lecture: In the first centuries AD, everybody in the area of Jordan south of the Wadi Mujib were devotees of some Nabataean or Roman religion or another….